Bloodborne: The Old Hunters

Classificação Indicativa:

Data de lançamento: 11/22/2015


Publicadora: Não especificado (No data available)

Desenvolvedora: Não especificado (No data available)

Gênero: Role-Playing (RPG)

Conquistas / Troféus?: 

"Curse the fiends, their children too... Their children, forever true." A world drenched in blood, lit by a possessed moon. Its light shows familiar buildings half swallowed by sludge, leaning over, distorted. It is here that hunters of old, riddled...


Mais detalhes do jogo

"Curse the fiends, their children too... Their children, forever true." A world drenched in blood, lit by a possessed moon. Its light shows familiar buildings half swallowed by sludge, leaning over, distorted. It is here that hunters of old, riddled by nightmares, endlessly pursue beasts. The nightmare where the Hunters laid trapped, forever crazed by the blood of mindless beasts, is a manifestation of the misdeeds of the first Hunter's, all of whom are now trapped within this wretched world. However, secrets are secrets for a reason, as some are unsettling and horrifying when unraveled... ...and yet, it's time someone undid this charade.

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